Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 (AEP6)

The Arts Council of Placer County is proud to be a part of the Arts & Economic Prosperity 6.

Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 (AEP6)

The Arts Council of Placer County is proud to be a part of the AEP6, the most comprehensive economic impact study of the nonprofit arts and culture industry ever conducted in the United States. Administered by Americans for the Arts approximately every five years, AEP6 examines the economic impact of the non-profit arts and culture industry in Placer County, Sacramento County, and more than 400 communities across the country.

Special invitation!
Save the date for Oct 12!

Join the conversation in Washington D.C. and be the first to hear the release of data from the National Americans for the Arts. In partnership with the Arts Council of Placer County, and others from across the country, Americans for the Arts has created the most comprehensive economic impact study of the non-profit arts and culture industry.

The Arts Council of Placer County, and our local partner the Sacramento Alliance for Regional Arts, invite you to join the watch party on Oct 12. Watch for a registration link coming soon.

In 2017, AEP5 documented that the nonprofit arts and culture industry generated $166.3 billion in economic activity (spending by organizations plus the event-related spending by their audiences) which supported 4.6 million jobs and generated $27.5 billion in government revenue. The AEP series demonstrates that an investment in the arts provides both cultural and economic benefits.

Please send any suggestions or questions to Darci Frank.