A New Way to Give.

Introducing the new Arts Council of Placer County
Endowment Fund at Placer Community Foundation

In 2020, the Arts Council of Placer County Endowment Fund was seeded through a gift made lovingly by a bequest from Anu Vuorikoski. ACPC is seeking support from the community to help grow this fund with similar gifts made through Placer Community Foundation.

Forward-thinkers like Anu will ensure the arts remain a constant source of creativity, inspiration and joy in our community. The greater the assets in the fund, the greater the impact the Council can make to promote and advocate for all arts across Placer County.

Anu Vuorikoski

Anu Vuorikoski served as the Treasurer for the Arts Council for a total of five years. She greatly valued a vibrant arts community and was keenly aware of the financial struggles artists and arts organizations face. 

Anu’s legacy gift established a permanent fund at Placer Community Foundation in which gifts of all sizes are pooled and invested for long-term growth. Cumulative earnings on investment are then distributed as a grant to the Arts Council of Placer County to directly support their work.

Contact Placer Community Foundation for a free, no-obligation and private consultation to support this fund and create your personal legacy of giving for the arts.

(503) 885-4920, info@placercf.orgwww.placercf.org

ACPC Arts Directory

Tips to Make Giving Easy

Give cash, stock, real estate or other tangible assets

Designate a portion of an estate.

Charitable IRA Rollover’s are tax-free up to $700k-note CARES Act in 2020.

Trust pays the community foundation a fixed amount for a number of years and then assets go to the beneficiary.

Trust pays beneficiary for life and then assets transfer to a community foundation.

Join in Giving

A testimonial from a resident, and donor, Karen Killebrew best explains why giving through your estate plan is easy and meaningful.

“When my husband Steve and I moved to Placer County 25 years ago, we noticed right away how many nonprofits do great work here, and what an amazing giving community it is.  When we made our wills and trust, we decided to dedicate one-third of our estate to several organizations that we support and have come to admire for their great work. A planned gift seemed like the best way to contribute to the quality of life for future residents of Placer County. We were delighted to discover that the Placer Community Foundation could manage this portion of our estate, allowing us to easily add and update funds without expensive attorney fees. 

We have just modified our charitable plan with Placer Community Foundation to include the Arts Council of Placer County Endowment Fund. We feel great knowing that our estate will ensure that the Arts Council and other fine organizations will continue for generations to come. “

– Karen Killebrew, 2020 Board Chair, Arts Council of Placer County.

Support Placer County Art

Read about 10 creative ways for YOU to support the arts in Placer County. All donations go directly towards the Community Arts Grants and County-wide arts programs, and art is tax-deductible, as are payments for services.